Pascallerg - 100 tabs


Size: 100 tabs

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Pascallerg® is a non-drowsy homeopathic remedy to relieve symptoms of hay fever, and other allergies including spring allergies. Made with a homeopathic combination of chromium kali sulphuricum, acidum formicicum, and gelsemium, it is not a natural antihistamine, but acts like one by relieving symptoms of allergic rhinitis and stimulating the body to heal itself. This allergy remedy is very gentle acting on the body. The small tablets can be used for children and adults!

Pascallerg® has been used for decades and works effectively to relieve the symptoms associated with allergies and hay fever including skin reactions, stuffy nose, watery eyes, sneezing and wheezing. It is useful for seasonal allergies (pollen, ragweed), allergic rhinitis and many other allergic reactions, including skin and food allergies.

It can also help with allergies and allergic rhinitis from multiple causes. Some causes include animal dander, pollen from plants during allergy season (tree pollen, ragweed) and indoor allergens like dust.

Pascallerg® is not immunotherapy, a conventional decongestant, nasal spray or oral antihistamine, although it may relieve symptoms similar to that of allergy remedies or natural antihistamines.


Medicinal Ingredients:
1 tablet contains:

Chromium kali sulphuricum Trit. 2X 25.0 mg
Acidum formicicum Trit. 2X 2.5 mg
Gelsemium sempervirens Trit. 2X 2.5 mg

Non-medicinal ingredients:
Lactose-monohydrate, corn starch, calcium behenate.

Suggested Use

Adults, children age 12 and up: acute 1 tablet every 30-60 minutes maximum 12 times a day, chronic 1 tablet 1-3 times a day; 
Children (6-11): acute 1 tablet every 30-60 minutes maximum 8 times a day, chronic 1 tablet twice a day; 
Children (1-5): acute 1 tablet every 30-60 minutes maximum 6 times a day, chronic 1 tablet once a day.

Allow the tablet to slowly dissolve in the mouth for Adults, children age 3 and up, for children under 2 years of age dissolve the tablet in a small amount of water.

Hypersensitivity to chromium. Contraindicated in children under 1 year of age. Consult with a health care
practitioner before use if pregnant or breastfeeding.

Side effects:
In isolated instances, chromic potassium sulfate (alumen chromicum) may be associated with skin reactions.
If you experience skin reactions, discontinue using this remedy.

Ambrosia does not guarantee the accuracy of any nutritional information or ingredients listing presented on this website. Read more.

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