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Heart Health

111 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 25 products
Red Yeast Rice Plus Canadian Brand
Organika Red Yeast Rice Plus
$36.21 / 180 vcap
Ubiquinol Active CoQ10
Ubiquinol Qh Active CoQ10
Sunflower Lecithin Powder
Unbleached Lecithin 1,200mg
Ubiquinol QH - 100mg
Sisu Ubiquinol QH - 100mg
$53.99 / 60 sgels
Hawthorn II Canadian Brand
AOR Hawthorn II
$31.50 / 60 vcaps
Sunflower Lecithin
Now Sunflower Lecithin
$28.79 / 473 mL
Ubiquinol 100 with MCT Oil Canadian Brand
Garlic Rich - 500mg
Phosphatidyl Choline - 420mg
Natural Factors Ubiquinol-200mg
$39.79 / 30 sgels
Red Yeast Rice Canadian Brand
AOR Red Yeast Rice
$50.74 / 60 vcaps
CardioNOx - 100 mg Canadian Brand
AOR CardioNOx - 100 mg
$31.50 / 30 vcaps
Nattokinase Canadian Brand
Canprev Nattokinase
$34.99 / 60vcaps
This product is only available for purchase in-store!
Plant Sterols
New Roots Plant Sterols
$16.59 / 80g
This product is only available for purchase in-store!
Red Yeast Complex Canadian Brand
Canprev Red Yeast Complex
$39.99 / 60vcaps
This product is only available for purchase in-store!
Policosanol 20mg
Now Policosanol 20mg
$31.49 / 90caps
Omega Alpha Lessterol
$38.99 / 60 vcaps
This product is only available for purchase in-store!
Strauss Heartdrops
Strauss Strauss Heartdrops
$82.99 / 100 mL
This product is only available for purchase in-store!
Strauss Heartdrops
Strauss Strauss Heartdrops
$158.99 / 225 mL
Ubiquinol - 100mg
Now Ubiquinol - 100mg
$63.29 / 60 sgels
Natural Factors Ubiquinol-200mg
$74.49 / 60 sgels
Allimax - 180mg
Allimax Allimax - 180mg
$68.99 / 90 caps

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