Antioxidant Sea Vegetables - 270 g

Antioxidant Sea Vegetables

Size: 270 g


GREAT TASTING BERRY SEA VEGETABLE + BERRY ANTIOXIDANTS. Sea Vegetables + Berry Antioxidants in one Schinoussa formula! Schinoussa's sea vegetable and berry combination was created for people with active lifestyles, such as athletes, weekend warriors, people under stress, seniors and those recovering from surgery who need extra antioxidants for optimal healing and recovery. Each selected berry offers its own healing benefits. Great berry flavour


per 5G serving: Schinoussa Propriety Blend 5g Spirulina Chlorella (Cracked cell wall) AFA (E3 Live) Irish moss Nova Scotia Dulse Bladderwack Red marine algae Kelp Schinoussa Island

Suggested Use

DOSAGE: Add one tsp (4.5g) of Schinoussa to 310 ml(10oz.) of your favourite beverage, such as orange juice, apple juice, protein smoothies or simply cold water. Stir with spoon and drink. Vary the amount of liquid to establish your preferred taste and texture. Enjoy once or twice a day. Refrigerate after opening.

Ambrosia does not guarantee the accuracy of any nutritional information or ingredients listing presented on this website. Read more.

SKU: 00007799900003

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